Commit Your Work to the LORD (Proverbs 16:3)

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Proverbs 16:3

‘Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.’

This verse this morning feels fitting given the start of a new semester and for others the beginning of a new work year. Proverbs 16:3 offers us a timely reminder of how we’re to approach all our work — by committing it to the LORD.

The Hebrew word in Proverbs 16:3 for ‘Commit’ is golel, which literally means ‘to roll upon’. Commentator Bruce Waltke says that denotes a sense of finality, as in, roll your works unto the LORD and leave it there.

That’s all we’re called to do. Give everything we do to God - our studies, our job, our relationships - roll it all unto His throne, and leave it there. That’s surrender and that’s trust.

And when we do that, when we commit our works to the LORD, ‘(our) plans will be established’. Notice the order there. Usually we think of plans first, followed by work and action, but here Solomon says first commit your works, and trust that God will establish your plans.

That to me is an encouragement not to sit idle waiting for God’s directions to magically appear written in the sky, but to step out in faith, trusting Him to guide us and to transform our hearts and plans to glorify His name.

But beyond our daily work, there’s an even greater work we’re called to commit to the Lord - the work of salvation and sanctification.

  • Share the gospel with your friend or family member, but entrust their salvation to God.

  • Pursue holiness, but rely on God’s Spirit to transform you.

Roll these spiritual works onto Him and trust that He will establish your heart and theirs.

Now as we reflect on this verse today, I want to ask you:

  1. Practically speaking: What specific work or responsibility in your life do you need to "roll" onto God today?

  2. Spiritually speaking: What does it look like for you to commit the work of salvation and sanctification to Him? And is there someone you want to lift up in prayer for their salvation or growth in faith?

And lastly,

3. What step of faith can you take today, trusting that God will establish your plans as you walk with Him?

Let’s pray over those reflections and this verse today, committing all our works to Him, big or small, and trusting Him to establish our plans.


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