Your Invitation: Praying Through Proverbs

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Praying Through Proverbs. Sounds straightforward, right? This podcast is all about praying through Proverbs.

But let’s shoot straight—it’s about something much bigger. It’s about love.

Why? Because everyone desires love. And not just any regular love. Everyone wants steadfast, unfailing, perfect love. But let’s be honest, human love? The love I can give you and you can give me? Human love ain’t that. It’s messy. It’s conditional. It’s imperfect. It lets us down. And maybe you are tempted to push back on that, but deep down, you know it, I know it: We’re all longing for a love we can’t give each other.

I’m Luke Metzler, the voice behind Praying Through Proverbs. I’m driven by love - God’s love, and this podcast is an invitation to grow in intimacy with Him. Not in a complicated or intimidating way—just through a simple, daily rhythm of reading and praying.

Now God has never filled out the love language test, but if He did, I guarantee you quality time would be His number one. He loves when we spend time with Him. He loves to speak to us and He loves to hear from us. And yet, carving out quality time for God in our busy lives? It’s hard.

That’s why this podcast exists. Every day, for 365 days, we’re going to pause, tune out distractions, and spend a few intentional minutes with Jesus.

  • We’ll hear His voice through Proverbs, unpack what it means, reflect on it to move it from our heads to our hearts, and then we’ll funnel those reflections back to Him in prayer.

In other words, that’s fancy language to say we’re going to have a 5-7 minute conversation with God Every. Single. Day.

And that’s what makes this podcast different. It’s not just about completing a bible study, a devotional, or learning Scripture; it’s about falling in love with the One who wrote it. Every day, we’ll take one step closer to Him. And by the end of the year, we’ll be 365 steps closer to the God who satisfies the deepest desire of our hearts for love. We’re going to know and experience the love of God and we’re going to grow in our love for Him too.

So, are you ready? Ready to take the first step toward the God who loves you more than words can describe, whose love surpasses all understanding (Ephesians 3:19)?

Then follow us on Spotify or fill out the email link below, and get ready for Episode 1 of Praying Through Proverbs, dropping January 1st. And after that, join me every morning at 5:30AM (or whenever you get up) for a fresh episode to start your day with God.

One step today could change your whole year—and maybe your whole life.


‘The Ultimate Law of the Gospel’ (Proverbs 24:11-12)